Check out this page regularly for news of surplus produce being offered and/or given away by members
Produce Table at Threeways
Please remember the Table at Threeways – surplus produce always welcome. Proceeds for Lawrence Home Nursing
Whenever the table is not immediately visible and you have donations, it will be behind the gate so just put the plants on it
If you have surplus items feel free to add to the table at any time or leave behind my gate if it is not there.
As always donations for Lawrence Home Nursing please.
Pots Galore!
Sophie Banks in Milton has numerous black flowerpots of various sizes from her husband’s landscaping business to give away. They can’t be recycled and she is loath to take them to the tip. Tel 07768 345234. or just go and root – they are up the track at the Malt House on Shipton Road and in the yard . Lots more are due to arrive shortly but there are already a lot there .
Pot Recycling
Meantime, fellow gardeners might be interested in this pot recycling scheme. Check the nearest recycling centre here. There are some within driving distance.
Your Giveaways?
Please contact Joanna directly, or please use this form to request publication of your “Giveaways” . Please remember to include your phone number in your message.
Submission of this form can be slow: please be patient.