The Association will be known as the Milton-under-Wychwood Allotments and Gardens Association
a) To encourage all gardeners and allotment holders to cultivate and get the best from their gardens.
b) To obtain favourable terms for members from garden suppliers.
Membership is open to all residents of Milton-under-Wychwood, Shipton under Wychwood and Ascott under Wychwood and others as agreed by the Committee.
4.The President
The President of the Association shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting.
5.The Management Committee
The management committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall consist of the following:
a) the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. These Officers shall retire after three years but shall be eligible for one further term of office.
b) five Committee members to be elected annually. All five are eligible for re-election.
c) up to two Committee members to be co-opted by the Committee should this be deemed necessary.
Nominations shall be invited for all members (other than co-opted members) and must have a proposer and seconder. Names to be submitted not less than twenty-one days before the AGM.
6.General and Committee Meetings
The Annual General Meeting shall normally be held in May.
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Committee or at the request of ten members of the Association. Thirty days’ notice shall be given.
A Committee Meeting shall be held as required. Four Members shall form a quorum at all meetings of the Committee. Meetings will be minuted.
The subscriptions shall become due on June 1st. each year.
The Annual rate of subscription shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting.
8.The Accounts
The financial year shall end on March 31st.
Amendments to this Constitution shall receive the assent of two-thirds of the members present and voting at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary Meeting. Notice of the amendment(s) proposed must be given to members with the Agenda for the AGM or EGM at least 14 days before the meeting.